Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance, (AlImran, 3:169)’.

Quran says, ‘But do not think of those that have been slain in God's cause as dead.

I would like to dedicate this book to the memory of my fellow countrymen who laid down their lives for the creation of Pakistan and its unity. ISBN: 979-0-3 Typeset in Garamond 11.5 Printed and bound by Fazlee’s Book Supermarket in Karachi, Pakistan. Corrections may be made to future printings. Khan Road, Karachi, Pakistan Email: The author and publishers have made all reasonable efforts to contact copyright-holders for permission, and apologize for any omissions or errors in the form of credits given. The right of Junaid Ahmad to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the above Copyright Ordinance. CREATION OF BANGLADESH: MYTHS EXPLODED JUNAID AHMAD AJA Publishers NMC Enterprise First published in Pakistan in 2016 by AJA Publishers NMC Enterprise Copyright © 2016 by Junaid Ahmad This book is copyright under section 39 of the Pakistan’s Copyright Ordinance 1962 (XXXIV of 1962) in accordance with sub-rule (3) of Rule 4 of the Copyright Rules, 1967.